Friday, January 6, 2012

Klamath Falls

Kylie and Carson had a few days off of school in October, and Kyle had some time off work too, so we decided it was time for a mini vacation. We went to the Klamath Falls area to visit Nonna and pop pop, and aunt Wendy too! As soon as we woke up the morning after arriving, the kids were anxious to go swimming. We saw these deer right outside the window of the pool. Very cool.

Lexi loved the kiddie pool, and it was just her size
Carson and Kylie got to practice their swimming skills in the big pool
Aunt Wendy (my sister) brought some great presents for the kids. This was her first time meeting Lexi! Kylie was attached to her from the moment she opened her presents. ha.ha
We all went out to lunch and then bowling. They had these ramps for the kids. They worked great.
Wendy, Donna ( my birth mother) and I
The next day we went to see Crater Lake. It was beautiful, and we were lucky to have such great weather. It is the deepest lake in the U.S. Carson still talks about it, and everytime he sees a mountain, he asks if it is a volcano.

My munchkins in front of the condo in their Halloween gear
Aunt Wendy taking the girls for a spin at Nonna and pop pop's cabin. They were in heaven hanging out with her. They think she is pretty special. I wish they got to see her more often.
Carson was amazing at driving this thing. He felt like such a big kid. It was super cute to see.