Tuesday, October 18, 2011


We love taking the kids to do fun things. Kyle especially loves to do things with them on his days off. We took them to the zoo one weekend!They have added a few new things to our zoo. One of them was a butterfly room. Carson (my bug man) was in heaven!
Kylie looks cute, even with big ears!
That night we went to the drive-in. We get the kids in their jammies and head out.
They are normally asleep by the time we get out of the parking lot!
Normally in the mornings, everyone ends up in my bed. So cute to see Carson and Lexi snuggling!
and here is a pretty picture of my Kylie all dressed up in her favorite color!

1 comment:

David and Melissa Belnap said...

A Butterfly room?! That sounds extremely cool! Guess that needs to be on our list of things to visit when we get back on our football schedule next year! ;)