Friday, September 12, 2008

Just Peachy

Last night we went out to the church orchard to do our usual volunteer work. When we got there we noticed that the peaches were all finished and given to the cannery. They told us whatever was left on the trees was for us to pick and keep. The trees still had a ton of peaches on them, so we picked a few boxes and took them home to can. They smell so good! Kylie and Carson have a great time going out there and helping us. They do get in trouble sometimes, because they think the peaches are balls and throw them. They do really good for the most part!

Here is a picture of Carson getting attacked by a branch. Instead of going over to help him, I got out the camera. ha.ha.

No mom, that wasn't me that threw the peach like a football!

once again......he was caught on film

Kylie.....very proud of her hard work!


David and Melissa Belnap said...

I love, love peaches!! Yet again, another reason I wish I lived in Boise!!! Looks like alot of work...hope you have fun canning!!

Williamson Fam said...

Holy Smokes! Thats a ton of peaches wow it really is true what they say, your get blessed when you need to teach me how to can stuff, your som domestic, who would have thunk? Love you..Happy Almost birthday..